Tuesday, October 20, 2009

W is for White Nationalists

If you've read any of my other posts, you've probably noticed that I tend to argue using logic and (hopefully) reason, steering away from fallacies and ad hominems. Well, at least I try.

Naturally, your first assumption on coming to a post entitled "W is for White Supremacists Nationalists" would be that I'd apply the same principles to this post that I've applied to all the others. Maybe I'd dazzle you with my knowledge of morphology to denounce the belief that race is an indicator of humanity! Or perhaps I'd detail the efforts of modern anthropologists to disprove phrenological assertions that some races are smarter because their skulls are bigger! I could even go to great lengths to argue that race is nothing more than differences regarding melanin and facial structure with some minor body type differences!

If you assume that, you'd be wrong. Here's why:

There's no arguing with them. To quote Rep. Barney Frank, "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table," the word "you" here meaning White Nationalists. They think they already have the proof and even if they lack proof, they can just call anyone who opposes them a racist or any racial slur they can think of, meaning just about every racial slur invented. In fact, if you ask nicely, I'm sure they'll make one up for you.

In light of this fact, I think I'll skip the traditional debating parlance and get right to the ad hominem attacks.

I despise every single one of you.
I have nothing but contempt for you.
Your leaders are impotent and their followers are intellectual children.
"White pride" is nothing more meaningful than a facade for white supremacists looking to survive in a world that hates them.
There is not a thing that your movement can do to help this world or improve the life of a single person in it.

And finally,

I hope for your sakes that Hell looks like Auschwitz, because then it will be a lot harder for you to doubt Auschwitz' existence.

That was fun, wasn't it?

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